
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
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Heathrow Primary School

Year 1

Autumn 1 – Pulse and Rhythm (Theme: All About Me)

As musicians, we started by learning how to feel the pulse in music and experiment with percussion instruments. We then moved onto learning how to play rhythms on untuned percussion instruments to deepen their understanding of pulse and rhythm. We then had the chance to develop our ‘thinking voice’ by internalising the pulse when listening to music. Using a technic called the call and response method, we listened out for rhythms and then repeat them. After identifying the pulse in several songs, we practise performing either the pulse or rhythm to highlight the differences between the two.

Autumn 2 – Tempo (Theme: Snail and Mouse)

In the Autumn Term in Music Year 1 will be learning about tempo with the snail and mouse. Children will demonstrate slow and fast with their bodies and voices and demonstrate slow and fast beats while saying a rhyme and using an instrument. Year 1 will perform a song using a singing voice and they will be able to perform with an instrument. We will observe others and move, speak, sing and play appropriately, while singing in time from memory with some accuracy. Finally we will keep a steady pulse while moving, speaking, singing and playing demonstrating a slow and fast beat.

Spring 1 – Musical Vocabulary (Under the Sea)

In the Spring Term in Music Year 1, children will be  recognising and understanding the difference between pulse and rhythm. Understanding that different types of sounds are called timbres. Recognising basic tempo, dynamic and pitch changes. Describing the character, mood, or ‘story’ of music they listen to (verbally or through movement) Describing the differences between two pieces of music. Listening and responding to other performers by playing as part of a group. Selecting and creating short sequences of sound with voices or instruments to represent a given idea or character. Combining instrumental and vocal sounds within a given structure. Creating simple melodies using a few notes. Choosing dynamics, tempo and timbre for a piece of music. Copying back short rhythmic and melodic phrases on percussion instruments and finally responding to simple musical instructions such as tempo and dynamic changes as part of a class performance.

Spring 2 - Timbre and Rhythmic Pattern (Fairy Tales)

In the Spring Term in Music, Year 1 will be looking at music surrounding the theme of ‘fairy tales’ and focusing on the three little pigs. Children will be learning about timbre and rhythmic patterns. They will be learning how to change their voice to represent different characters, choosing suitable sounds to represent different things that happen in the stories and expanding their musical vocabulary by learning about timbre and what it means.
