
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 2

Autumn 1 - Hot and Cold Places

In this unit, we have been looking at identifying hot and cold places are the world and locating them on a map. We are able to recognise the features of a hot and a cold place. We have explored these locations and created our own fact-files. We are able to identify the different animal that live in hot and cold places and recognise how the adapt. We can describe animals that live in hot and cold places and we can compare and create a packing list or a trip to a hot and cold place.

Spring 1 - Africa (Kenya)

As Geographers, we have been learning about a contrasting village in Africa called Kenya. We started off by understanding where Kenya is on and starting to begin what it was like for people living in Kenya. We research the ‘Big Five’ and found out some cool facts. We looked at the Maasai Culture and the different traditions that they follow. Finally, we had the chance to be compare out life to a child who lives in Kenya.
