Heathrow Primary School
P.E supports spiritual development by increasing their knowledge and understanding of the body’s performance when exercising; this leaves pupils amazed at the body’s ability. Through Dance and sports, such as, Gymnastics, pupils are being creative, expressing feelings and emotions in their performances. Allowing pupils’ reflection time to evaluate their experiences allows them to build a positive mindset and promotes progression. Pupils will also see a sense of awe and wonder when observing elite performance from professional athletes and their peers.
P.E supports moral development by encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle and promoting healthy living is apparent in each P.E lesson. Pupils develop the ability to tell between right and wrong through fair play in sporting events and participating in competitive situations, giving pupils a sense of justice, and how to respond appropriately when they feel there is an injustice. The frequent opportunity given to pupils to supports the importance of abiding by rules.
P.E supports social development by developing the necessary skills to work in teams or pairs, as the majority of activities are based around team games or creating sequences in groups, co-operation with others is paramount to success. Giving the pupils roles, such as leaders, coaches, or umpires, and offers pupils the opportunity to develop their communication skills, leadership skills and the ability to settle any discrepancies which may occur. Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon feelings of enjoyment and determination.
P.E supports cultural development by giving children the opportunity to explore dances and learn games from different traditions and cultures including their own. Pupils also recognise and discuss the differences between male and female roles within sport, at both elite and amateur levels. Compassion and respect for other culture and traditions is also displayed by all when exploring unfamiliar games or dances. Pupils will discuss how culture affects what sports different nations excel at and how cultural traditions can affect which sports men and women participate in.