
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School




Art supports spiritual development by introducing children to the work of great Artists and experiencing wonder and awe at the achievements of these great works of art. They also experience great admiration and respect for their peers’ work when they see the level of achievement and progress.


Art supports moral development by encouraging mutual respect and the consideration for others’ work. Pupils are encouraged to show compassion when assessing the work of others through, understanding how their comments can build up or destroy another’s self- belief.


Art and Design supports social development because children frequently required to work in pairs, groups or teams collaboratively. Children often work collaboratively requiring cooperation and communication linking to the values of trust and compassion. 


Art supports cultural development work by enabling children to study art involving various cultures and civilizations from around the world. They lead to a greater understanding of different ways of life and a respect for cultures that are very different from our own; how they can enrich our own lives. The fusion of art work between our own and other cultures leads to pupils incorporating designs, patterns and motifs in their own work developed by a deeper understanding of the culture.
