
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Week 7 - The Tiger Who Came to Tea

This week we based our learning around the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. We read the story, talking about the members of the family, asking if tigers usually come to tea and how they would feel if a tiger arrived at their house. We made predictions and then answered why questions about the story. The children talked about what they liked for ‘tea’. They cut out pictures of different food items they wanted to make a shopping list and wrote the initial sound, dominant sounds, or the whole word, some even wrote an adjective too!


We went outside to use all of our senses to talk about the things we could see, smell, hear and feel. We talked about the season ‘summer.’ We came back into the classroom and looked at a photo of our outdoor area in winter. We talked about the differences and named each season.

We looked at tigers that lived in different counties such as Russia and India. We identified them on a map and talked about the climate. We looked at the pictures of tigers and used our observational skills to make inferences, such as, “its is snowing, so it must be cold,” “The Tiger is running because his feet are off the ground.” We compared and contrasted the photos to identified differences such as different types of fur. We discussed that the tiger with much longer thicker fur live in a cold country and use it to keep them warm in snowy conditions. We talked about the items we would need to keep us warm as we don’t have fur. We looked at the short thin fur on the other tiger and identified that they must have this to keep them cooler in hotter countries.


We subitised our compare bears to try and recognise the amounts by looking, without counting. Most children could do this up to 3, and some were able to subitise to 6! The children then started to compare the amounts saying which group had ‘more,’ ‘less,’ or ‘fewer.’ Some children were able to use the bears to find one more and others could do it in their head.  Some children were able to use the bears to find one less and others could do it in their head.

We played a matching and memory game. The children were practising taking turns, flipping the card over to match it to their board and were memorising where their cards were when their friend turned it over.

The children used paper plates to create their own tigers to be added to our ‘Into the Jungle…’ roleplay area.

We began our transition visits to Reception to begin to prepare us for the changes next year.
