Heathrow Primary School
What a busy term of Maths we have had in Year 3. As developing mathematicians, pupils have explored the topics of place value and addition and subtraction. They started the year by learning how to identify ones, tens and hundreds in a number and understanding how they can change. Next they learnt how to find 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a number. Finally coming on to learning how to use a variety of methods to solve addition and subtractions problems.
In the second part of the term Year 3 have been continued the develop their knowledge of addition and subtraction and started to explore multiplication and division. To do this they used their prior learning of addition and subtraction to understand how to add and subtract two 3-digit numbers. They explored compliments to 100, i.e. 45 and 55 make 100. They also learnt how to exchange in tricky problems and finally started to explore the strategies needed to multiply and divide using their times tables knowledge.
We look forward to what Spring Term has in store for us!
In spring term, pupils have become mathematicians. They have been understanding the key vocabulary used and being able to use this in our own discussions. Pupils have learnt how to compare and order fractions and understand how to make a whole from fractions. Further to this, they have looked at mass and capacity of different objects and measured weight by using scales