
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 6

Autumn 1

This term, children programmed an online, micro: bit simulator. This was used to show how a step counter works to record steps. The purpose of this was to understand how imputing codes will give a device or toy an output. Children managed to programme the micro:bit simulator and use the coding system to help them improve their times tables. The children then programmed the micro:bit simulator so that it became a magnetometer. Children had the opportunity to research toys that used a micro; bit for inputs and outputs.

Autumn 2

In this unit, children produce a class yearbook or school magazine using desktop publishing tools. They source, write, edit and combine images and text from a range of sources. Children will create this systematically, step by step, first planning and gathering content, then assembling and assessing and proofreading the year or magazine which they have created.


In this unit, children will learn; about appropriate rules or guidelines for a civil online discussion, how search results are selected and ranked, how to argue their point effectively, supporting their views with sources, how to counter someone else’s argument while showing respect and tolerance, how to judge the reliability of an online source and some strategies for dealing with online bullying. By the end of the unit, children will be able to, suggest rules for conducting an online discussion, search for information on a given topic, write a post on a given topic, comment on others’ posts, consider the plausibility of a source and to identify how to know who to go to if they are bullied online.


In this unit, pupils review existing adverts or promotional films, create a storyboard, shoot original footage, source other media and edit a final version of their movie. In: Session 1 they review existing adverts or promotional films. Session 2 they create a storyboard for an advert or promotional film. Session 3 they shoot original footage for an advert or promotional film. Session 4 they source other media and consider copyright. Session 5 they create a rough cut of an advert or promotional film. Session 6 they make improvements to create a final cut.
