
Heathrow Primary School

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We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
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Heathrow Primary School

Week 4 - Oliver's Fruit Salad & Oliver's Vegetables

This week we based our learning around the books ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’ and ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ to link in with the Harvest Festival.


We read the story together and talked about the importance of trying new foods even if we think we don’t like them because they might actually be delicious!


We learnt the new vocabulary ‘hard’ and ‘soft, and ‘rough,’ ‘bumpy,’ and ‘smooth’ to describe different fruit. We named the different types of fruit then had hands on exploration to help us sort them in groups based on whether they felt hard or soft. We described the texture of the outside of the fruit. We then peeled them open and talked about the differences we could see in colour. The children tasted the fruit and described the texture. We then talked about the differences in texture between the inside and the outside of the group. The children explored and used their observation skills to help them describe and categorise the fruit. The best part was eating them!

The children made their own ‘Mr & Mrs Rice cakes’ using rice cakes and fruit. We focused on the features of the face and selected the most appropriate fruit for each feature.

Our shape this week was a circle. We continued to look at features of a face and created our own using circles. We discussed when a face might look like it had a circle mouth and described the emotion of shock or surprise.

We focused on the emotion of happiness this week and discussed that we are in the ‘green zone’ in the Zones of Regulation. We talked about what happens when we feel happy, the children could say that they smile and feel good. We discussed the things that make us happy and took photos for our display.

We selected our favourite fruit and painted them. We used our observational skills to look at the different shapes we could see and to help us look at the closer details. The children used their fine motor skills to create enclosed shapes and with thick and thin paintbrushes.

In Phonics this week, we were discriminating between different sounds. We made quiet and loud sounds using different instruments. We listening carefully and took turns to sound match. These activities are an important step in developing the skills for early reading using phonic sounds.

We also practised our 1:1 correspondence when counting out fruit and vegetables for Oliver to eat.
