
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
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Heathrow Primary School


At Heathrow Primary School, we have designed our curriculum with pupils’ learning at the centre. We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer pupils opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners.


Through a combination of learning techniques, we aim to ensure pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school. We recognise that pupils should be challenged in their schooling; learning from failures and celebrating successes. The curriculum is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide first-hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.


It is our belief that children learn best when they have a clear purpose for learning and when lessons are engaging. As a result, we have a blocked curriculum approach to learning. This approach has been implemented at the school to ensure coverage and progression in a number of curriculum areas. It enables project based learning, fostering each child’s curiosity and interest throughout each topic and also enabling the achievement of depth in knowledge and skills.


Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to:

  • Develop strong characters in order to be resilient and cope with adversity
  • Develop creative individuals who collaborate and co-operate and can solve problems seeing failure as an opportunity to learn through their positive attitudes
  • Develop pupils who can think critically and care about their learning so they always do their best and achieve well
  • Develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world; encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively to fundamental British values
  • Ensure all pupils have high aspirations
  • Develop a thirst for learning for all pupils


Leaders across the school ensure that all subjects are explored in depth throughout the academic year and through the key stages. Subject leaders work with teachers to ensure that they facilitate the quality provision of their subject and suggest ways to develop the learning journey through the application of skills.


Progression of skills are carefully written by teachers and subject leaders to ensure that progression in skills are mapped across the whole school. This is then monitored, alongside planning, scrap books and children’s books to ensure that teachers are providing the appropriate level of challenge and progression across the curriculum.


We prepare pupils positively for life in modern Britain and promote the importance and significance of British Values. The social, moral and cultural development of our pupils are woven through the curriculum to give pupils the knowledge and skills to become citizens making a positive contribution to society today.

Curriculum Leaders


Miss K Walsh – SMSC/PSHE Lead

Miss A Powell - Science Lead

Mr D Trueman – PE Lead

Miss A-M Tilly – Phonics Lead

Miss S Chowdhury – Maths Lead

Mr M McDowell – DT & French Lead

Miss C Merrett – Humanities Lead

Miss V Moody – Literacy Lead

Miss S Kalinowska – Music & Art Lead

Mrs E Caton - EYFS & EAL Lead

Miss K O'Neill - Computing Lead
