Heathrow Primary School
Autumn 1
This autumn we looked at the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Children developed their spoken language through listening and responds, building vocabulary and participate in role play. We focussed on our reading comprehension by retelling stories, making inference on the basis of what is being said and done and predict what might happen. As well Year 1 used skills of writing composition composing a sentence orally and writing short narratives to sequence sentences.
At the end of the topic Year 1 were able to use story language, describe a new animal character, describe a new setting, write simple sentences in sequence and include a beginning, middle and end in order for them to write an adventure story based on the structure of ‘Lost and Found’.
Autumn 2
This autumn half term we looked at the story Katie in London children will continue to develop their spoken language through listening, responding and discussions. They will develop reading comprehension predicting what might happen and retelling stories. They will develop their writing composition by composing sentences orally, re-reading their own sentences to check they make sense. At the end, children wrote a non-chronological report about London with expanded sentences using the conjunction ‘and’, use of adjectives in their writing and use of capital letters for proper nouns.
Spring 1
This story is a about a young boy who finds himself thrown into a new city, his world suddenly feels very grey. This term will focus on the story Grandpa’s Gift through spoken language building their vocabulary by participating in discussions, role play and improvisations. Children have learnt to punctuate sentences, join words and clauses with ‘and’. Year 1 have began to use the prefix ‘un’ and add suffixes where no change is needed to the root word. Our writing outcome was to write a story about a character who finds magic in everyday things based on the structure of the text. We have changed the main character and the setting.
Spring 2
In Literacy this term students will be continuing to look at adventure stories with the book ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth”. Throughout the unit, children will be exposed to new, relevant vocabulary, continue to develop their understanding of how to use punctuation, continue to orally organise their sentences before writing and ensure there is a logical flow. At the end of the unit, children will be retelling the story from ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ and changing key aspects to make it their own.
Summer 1
During our literacy lessons this term, we will be looking at the story Toys in Space by Mini Grey. Through spoken language the children will build their vocabulary and participate in discussions, role play and improvisations.
Learning make inferences, predict what might happen and explain clearly their understanding
As our writing outcome the children will write a fantasy story about some toys who are taken onto a spaceship. They will be changing the characters in the story and the setting for their own story.