Heathrow Primary School
Autumn 1
During this topic Year 1 children will be able to say whether or not there is proof that a statement is true and explain why they believe something is true. We will learn to listen attentively and explain how they feel about something they have created. We will talk about creation and retell the key part of the Christian and Jewish creation story. They will understand that Christian and Jewish people generally believe the creation story in Genesis and talk about what the Hindu creation story might tell some people about God. Year 1 will make links between Hindu, Jewish and Christian stories.
Autumn 2
In this unit, the children will be exploring how other people understand God on Earth; considering different representations of God and understanding why this is challenging. They will: Recognise that different people have different beliefs about God’s form and appearance. Explain how art can be used to express feelings towards God. Recognise that some Hindu people believe God has many forms. Understand and explain that the story shows some people believe Jesus is the son of God and God on Earth. Recognise and explain how Christian, Muslim and Hindu people refer to God. Show respect for differences and similarities in how different religions represent God. Explain why people use different names for God and show respect for the different names for God across religions.