
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
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Heathrow Primary School

Week 3 - Going to Nursery

This week we based our learning around the story, ‘Going to Nursery.’ We talked about how we are growing up and becoming independent, being able to do things without needing our parents, such as coming into Nursery.


We have also worked on being independent in all areas, such as self-serving and eating at snack times, in toileting, tidying up, and being responsible for our own belongings. For some of us, this has been a challenge, but we are becoming more resilient and persevering to become more independent.


We discussed how to make friends to help us have more fun at nursery. We began to talk about our interests and the things we like to play with and who we like to play with.


We practise recognising our name every day before we go to play, and have got much better at this over the last few weeks. We correctly formed some of the letters in our name in coloured sand. This helps with out name recognition and our fine motor skills.

We made some butterflies to go on our display in our classroom. First we coloured in some coffee filters and then used pipettes to put water on them and watched all of the colours mix together. The children then learned to concertina fold to fold their butterfly wings and selected a pipe cleaner to wrap around them to make the middle of the butterfly. They then pulled the folds apart to reveal their very own butterflies.

The children went on a colour hunt, they rolled the coloured die, named the colours and looked around the outdoor area to find something of that colour. The children focused on learning the colour names, active listening skills to follow instructions and their observational skills to identify objects. They had lots of fun hunting.

The children worked on their 1:1 correspondence when counting to count one number for one item. They also matched the numerals to the amount.


The children enjoyed their first phonics sessions where they played listening games and had to identify different sounds.


We carried out baseline assessments of the children to identify their knowledge and skills. This will help us plan for their individual needs.
