
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 6


As engineers, children will be designing and creating a ‘Steady Hand Game.’ Children learnt to research and analyse a range of children’s toys, design their game thinking about form and function, assemble all their electronics to complete their electronic game and evaluate their game based on their success criteria   

Autumn 2

As architects, children will be designing five pieces of playground apparatus using three different structures. Children will learn too; design a playground with a variety of structures, build and perfect their structure and evaluating what was most effective and why.

Spring 2

As technologists, children will be navigating the world through a range of technologies. Children will be:

  • Writing a design brief from information submitted by a client

  • Develop a design based on the clients request.

Children will be able to understand the importance of:

  • Sensors in different products

  • How the product can function without human input.

  • Evaluate how successful they were in meeting the design brief.

Summer 2


As chefs, in this unit, children will learn to:

  • Find a suitable recipe for their course.

  • Record the relevant ingredients and equipment needed.

  • Follow a recipe, including using the correct quantities of each ingredient.

  • Write a recipe, explaining the process taken.

  • Explain where certain key foods come from before they appear on the supermarket shelf.
