
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 2


Our Year 2 mathematicians started off Autumn term by building on their existing knowledge of counting backwards and forwards within a hundred. The children spent time working on place value to secure their understanding of tens and ones. They thoroughly enjoyed representing numbers to a hundred using a range of concrete objects such as Dienes and Numicon. The children were also introduced to the formal methods of addition and subtraction. They practised fluency and reasoning questions and were encouraged to used their knowledge to justify their responses. Number bonds and timetables are an important aspect of mathematics and our students have devoted a considerable time practising them in order to become fluent.



In Spring Term, our year 2 students have been learning about money. We have recognised coins, made the same amount, compared amounts and worked on finding change. We have also looked at length and height. We have been measuring in centimetres and metres as well as comparing and ordering lengths and heights. We have also been looking at multiplication and division in a lot more detail. We have been recognising, making and adding equal groups as well as looking at repeated addition and using the multiplication symbol. We have looked at our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables and division facts in more detail and noticing odd and even numbers.
