
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 6



This term, Year 6 will study electricity and explore the importance of electricity within our world. The children will build on their previous learning of circuits to investigate how to make parallel and series circuits as well as studying electrical symbols to draw their own circuits. Children will experiment with different voltage batteries and investigate and reason how components within a circuit are effected by the number and voltage of cells used.


This unit builds on the children’s learning about rocks as well as their animals including humans and living things and their habitats units. Children will already have an understanding of fossils, habitats and human development allowing them to grasp the concepts and ideas presented to them in this topic. Children will learn about variation and adaptation. They will be able to explore how both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace separately developed their theories of evolution. They will examine he scientific evidence from plants and animals that has been gathered to support the theory of evolution.


In this topic, children will describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences including micro-organisms, plants and animals. The children will also be able to give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
