
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 2

Autumn – Painting and Mixed Media: Life in Colour

As artists, we were exploring colour mixing and creating a range of secondary colours in paint. We were then identifying surfaces and reproducing them using a range of painting tools. We learned about the collage work of the artist Romare Bearden. We then recreated colours and textures using paint and making patterned surfaces ready for use in a collage. We had the next task of composing and arranging collage materials, making choices based on colours and textures. Finally, we had the chance to develop finer details as well as evaluating and improving our work.


Spring  - Drawing: Tell a Story

As artists, we are telling a story through our drawings. We will be exploring mark making with charcoal and experimenting with different textures. We will then create and explore experimental marks to replicate textures. We then had the chance to draw our favourite toys, apply mark-marking skills and textures. Finally, we developed a new character, using knowledge of line and created a concertina book to illustrate different scenes

Summer 1 – Craft and Design = Map it Out

In this unit we are going to be sorting map images into groups and explaining our choices. We will draw a map of our journey to school, including key landmarks and different types of mark-making. We will bring our two-dimensional map drawings to life by making them three-dimensional with a variety of different materials and different equipment. We are going to decide how to place ‘jigsaw’ pieces to create an abstract composition and make choices about which details from our map to include in a stained glass. We will cut cellophane shapes with care and arrange them into a pleasing composition. We will then design a print with simple lines and shapes, making improvements as they work. We will follow a process to make and print from a polystyrene tile. We will choose a favourite artwork and justify our choice. Lastly, we annotate our favourite artwork with relevant evaluation points and take part in active decisions about how we can display artworks in the class gallery.

Summer 2 = Sculpture and 3D: Clay Houses

In this unit, we started by exploring how clay can be shaped by hand and learning some basic skills to apply when making a simple model. In lesson two, we practised using the 'score and slip' clay joining technique, we make our own pinch pot and decorate it by joining clay shapes. Having learned about the sculpture of Rachel Whiteread, we will experimented with working positively and negatively into a clay surface. Lesson four consisted of us creating a drawing of a home, we planned how they would turn our drawing into a 3D clay tile by working positively and negatively in clay. Finally, we used our drawn designs to guide us. We applied what we had learned about rolling, joining and pressing into clay to create our tile houses.
