
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School



At Heathrow Primary School, we aim to offer a high-quality history education which will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. At Heathrow, the teacher’s purpose is to facilitate learning and inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. We believe that teaching history helps to develop pupil’s ability to think critically, examine arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. All of this helps the pupils understand the past and what impact it has had on the way we live today.



The intent of our History curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which fulfils all of the outcomes from the National Curriculum, yet is still significant and purposeful to all the children of Heathrow Primary School.  Our intent is to ensure that all history lessons are accessible to all pupils and that they will develop historical skills and concepts which are transferable to whatever period of history is being studied. As a result of this, they will be able to;

  • Increase and develop their historical skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes.

  • Increase their understanding of the present in the context of the past.

  • Develop and use their skills in enquiry, analysis, evaluation, and argument.

  • Develop their interest in the past, arousing their curiosity and motivation to learn

  • Develop a sense of identity through learning about the past.



In order for children to know more and remember more in each area of history studied, there is a structure to the lesson sequence whereby prior learning is always considered and opportunities for revision of facts and historical understanding are built into lessons. To implement the history curriculum, we review and evaluate the knowledge and skills each year. This ensures we have a:


  • Clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.

The History National Curriculum and EYFS is planned for and covered in full within the KS1 and KS2 school curriculum. The National Curriculum forms the foundation of our curriculum, we make sure that children learn additional skills, knowledge and understanding and enhance our curriculum as and when necessary.


  • Consistency with vocabulary

The promotion of a language rich History curriculum is essential to the successful acquisition of knowledge and understanding in History. The promotion and use of an accurate and rich historical vocabulary throughout school is planned in history.


History Focused Working Walls

  • History Working Walls throughout all classrooms and the school focus on key aspects of History of which year groups are studying at the time. There are consistent history displays in and around the school, detailing significant historical events that may not always be studied in the curriculum


  • Research

On occasions children may well be asked to research historical aspects of their learning independently. This allows the children to have ownership over their curriculum and lead their own learning in History.


  • Cross Curricula links

Literacy, Reading, Maths and ICT skills are taught during separate lessons but are often linked to the History topic.


  • Enhancement 

We aim to plan termly visits, visitors and involvement in the community activity to provide first-hand experiences for the children to support and develop their learning. This is often linked to History.



  • Children will know more, remember more and understand more about History.

  • Children will achieve age related expectations in History.

  • Children will understand and use the key skills of chronological understanding, Knowledge and understanding of events in the past, Historical interpretation, Historical enquiry and organisation and communication.

  • Children will understand how the past has shaped today’s society

  • As historians’ children will learn lessons from History to influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future.

  • They may even consider being a historian as a career.
