
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September.
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Heathrow Primary School

Year Five

Year 5 PSHE Knowledge Organiser



In the Autumn term our focus for PSHE was ‘,Me and My Relationships’. In this topic, we would discuss issues which included, give and take, how good a friend are you, emotional needs and how we should communicate appropriately. Children had the opportunity to resolve certain conflicts through role play.


Valuing Differences

This term, children learned about valuing differences. They recognised and celebrated cultural and religious differences. The children also

understood the influence and pressure of social media on our thinking.


Keeping myself safe

This term, children learned about how to be safe. The theme of this unit was ‘health and wellbeing’. Children explored how to spot bullying, how to make decisions, and how to play, like, and share. In addition to that they understood that not all drugs are medicines.


In the Spring term our focus for PSHE was,‘, Rights and respect’. In this topic, we recognised that people have different attitudes towards saving and spending money. They discussed what influences people’s decisions and what makes something ‘good value for money’. They understood that people’s spending decisions can affect others and the environment (e.g., Fair trade, buying single-use plastics, or giving to charity) The children also recognised that people make spending decisions based on priorities, needs and wants.


Being my best

In the Summer term, our focus for PSHE was, ‘Being their best’, In this topic, children learned about the basic functions of four key human systems.

They also understood the importance of nutrition, hydration, oxygen intake, sleep, and exercise for overall health. In the end, they identified and embraced their strengths and talents.
