Heathrow Primary School
This week we based our learning around the book ‘Mini-monsters: Can I Play? We were learning all about how to be good friends. We talked a lot about our feelings when we have friendship conflicts. The children were able to discuss which zone a character would be in and explain why. We also talked about different strategies to get them back to the ‘green zone,’ feeling happy and safe. When reading Can I play? We talked about how we could be a good friend and that if we were all good friends in the Nursery, then we would all feel get to feel happy. The children drew themselves and their friends in their books and discussed how they were a good friend to them.
We read the story of Elmer and spotted some of the differences between the elephants. We shared our likes and dislikes in a stand up, sit down game and then discussed some of the similarities and differences between us. We learnt to include everyone even if they are different to us, or like different things.
The children used their fine motor skills to make friendship bracelets. They selected an amount of beads, counted them out and then threaded the small beads onto pipe cleaners.
We carried out our half termly assessments across all areas of their learning to see the progress the children have made this term.