
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School

Week 4- All About Me

This week we were learning, ‘All About Me.’ We read the story, ‘Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.’ We focused our learning on our body parts this week. The children picked up new this vocabulary through stories, songs and games. 


We had our first SCARF PSHE lesson, in which we listened to a story called ‘The Things I like.’ We had our first ‘Circle Time,’ during which we talked about ourselves and the things we like. The children chose their favourite activity using the story and some toys used as an example. They learnt our ‘Circle Time’ rules in which we need to take turns and actively listen to our friends. We focused on naming the toys and using the sentence, “I like…” Some children were ready to use the word ‘because’ and give reasons for their answers.


We correctly formed some of the letters in our name in coloured sand. This helps with our name recognition and our fine motor skills.

We practised ordering the letters in our names using Velcro names.


We practised our cutting skills this week. Our focus was holding the scissors correctly with one hand to cut along lines. Some children were ready to hold the scissors and the paper independently to try and cut accurately along the line.


The children drew themselves in their books, focusing on naming the body parts, selecting the correct shape to represent those body parts and having the right amount of each one. They attempted to write the first letter/some letters/all of their name.


We learnt to name and recognise 2D shapes ‘circle,’ and ‘triangle.’ The children were finding them within the environment. They used 2D shapes to made different faces.

We focused on recognising numbers. The children had to jump to the correct number on the mat in the outdoor area.

We practised completing puzzles together. We focused on looking at the edge pieces and corners, understanding how to rotate the pieces to make them fit and used our fine motor skills to correctly piece them together. Some found this tricky and were working with less pieces and some children were very confident and could easily work with more pieces. 

The children enjoyed their first phonics carpet sessions where they played listening games and had to identify different sounds.
