
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Week 6 - The Runaway Pancake

This week we based our learning around the story, 'The Runaway Pancake.' We sequenced the story using our newly learnt ordinal numbers. The children sequenced the story independently and then identified the initial sounds in the words of the animals and matched them to the corresponding letter.


The children chose their favourite character from the story. They drew the character, identified where they came in the story using ordinal numbers, heard, matched and formed the sound.


We recapped our positional language using the runaway pancake. We talked about the shape of a pancake and that it can roll away. The children were selecting different objects in the environment that can roll. We talked about circles and cylinders can roll easily because they have curved faces  and no any pointy corners.  The children were counting out the characters in the story and matching the numeral. Some of us were adding one more.


We used our gross motor skills to re-enact 'flipping pancakes' using a bat and a bean bag. We found it tricky at first, but really persevered and were able to catch most of them!

We did some colour mixing on our pancakes using dyed syrup. The children used pipettes to suck up the syrup and then squeezed it onto their pancake. They made different patterns and commented on what happened when the colours mixed.

We learnt the ‘i’ sound this week. The children we able to identify the sound in the pack, find objects with the initial sound ‘i’, orally blend words with ‘i’ and form the ‘i’ sound.
