
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 2

Autumn – Painting and Mixed Media: Life in Colour

As artists, we were exploring colour mixing and creating a range of secondary colours in paint. We were then identifying surfaces and reproducing them using a range of painting tools. We learned about the collage work of the artist Romare Bearden. We then recreated colours and textures using paint and making patterned surfaces ready for use in a collage. We had the next task of composing and arranging collage materials, making choices based on colours and textures. Finally, we had the chance to develop finer details as well as evaluating and improving our work.


Spring  - Drawing: Tell a Story

As artists, we are telling a story through our drawings. We will be exploring mark making with charcoal and experimenting with different textures. We will then create and explore experimental marks to replicate textures. We then had the chance to draw our favourite toys, apply mark-marking skills and textures. Finally, we developed a new character, using knowledge of line and created a concertina book to illustrate different scenes
