
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Week 3 - Little Red Riding Hood

Our story this week was 'Little Red Riding Hood.' The children enjoyed listening to the story and seeing the Big Bad Wolf in another story.


We discussed 'Stranger Danger' and identified safe adults we can talk to, such as teachers, police officer, fire fighters, doctors etc. We know that strangers are people we do not know and that we shouldn't talk to them unless our grown up allows us. 


We selected our favourite characters from the story and gave reasons as to why we like them the most. Children were able to use longer sentences using the word ‘because.’ We then went onto create those characters using a variety of different mediums. The children were able to explore different textures and join the different materials together. Some of them even included different emotions on their characters faces.

Little Red Riding Hood rang us with a problem. She had a hole in her cape and wanted a new waterproof one to walk to Granny's house when it is raining. We tested out different materials by pouring water on them, we recognised whether they were waterproof by looking to see if the water was absorbed and came through the material and feeling the other side of it to check if it was wet or dry. We sorted the materials into 'waterproof,' and 'not waterproof.' We then looked at the materials we had a decided which ones could be easily manipulated to wrap around Little Red Riding Hood. 

We played a board game to see who could get to Granny's house first. We rolled out dice and subitised or counted the amount and then moved the correct number of spaces using one to one correspondence and stopping at the cardinal number. We were practising taking turns, and winning and losing graciously. 

We learnt the new ‘s’ sound and practised our formation using paint.


The children were given and amount and had to stop at the cardinal number. They counted out this amount of fruit to put in Granny’s basket and then tried to match the numeral.


They practised their cutting skills by cutting out Little Red Riding Hood’s cape.


They children matched the letters to their name and then tried to write them using the correct formation.
