
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School, Harmondsworth Lane, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0JQ

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Heathrow Primary School

Year 2

Autumn 1 - We are Astronauts

For the Autumn term, the Year 2 children completed the unit ‘We are astronauts’.  For this unit the children were introduced to the computer program ‘ScratchJr’ which enabled them to constructs several simplistic programs based around a space theme.  At the beginning of this unit, the children were able to modify and change avatar sprites and the background of their programme’s setting. This progressed into understanding how to program a sprite to move to a certain location and message passing and input.  Finally, the children were able to edit the appearance of their created programmes by changing the colour of their sprites and background.

Spring – We are Safe Researchers

As safe researchers, we focused on a particular subject to create a presentation for. We focused on developing collaboration skills through working as part of a group, developing our skills through searching on different web browsers and search engines, being more discerning in evaluating online information and improving our note taking skills. This allowed us to create a presentation about The Great Fire of London or Kenya.


Summer 1 – We are Zoologists

In this unit, pupils will conduct a bug hunt and record and identify the creatures they find. In the beginning, pupils will understand the importance of classifying and later use observational skills to record what bug they find. As they progress through the unit, pupils will learn how to enhance their photographs as well as share them securely as an online document. Pupils will also learn to create digital charts from the data they have created as well as add location markers to google maps to mark where they discovered their creatures. Finally, pupils will deliver a presentation, drawing on their photographs, charts and knowledge about their bug hunt.     
