
Heathrow Primary School

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Heathrow Primary School

Reading Gladiators

What is Reading Gladiators? 

The rigorous requirements of the reading framework require deep engagement and response to texts. Reading Gladiators™ helps prepare pupils for these demands immersing children in quality, challenging and varied books while fostering reading for enjoyment.


Reading Gladiators™ is designed to provide the challenge to support higher attaining readers, but the new flexible model makes it easy to tweak for different groups of readers. Furthermore, it creates reading advocates within a school who inspire other children to become aspirational readers. 


Reading Gladiators™ read a selection of books from a curated collection. During the year, the intention is to move readers from familiar reading material to more reflective reading. Each book is carefully chosen to extend reading repertories, with a range of genres represented. The books chosen are by established and recently published authors.

Heathrow Primary School Gladiators have enjoyed putting together their scrapbooks, thinking carefully about the significance of the images and themes present in 'The Closest Thing to Flying'. We explored parallels between the characters' lives, and discussed their reactions to the atrocities inflicted upon them. The children were captivated by Kitty's unswerving pursuit in achieving freedom for women, and we compared that to today's version of democracy. How have things changed since the 19th century? How far have we come? Do women still have equal rights?  What does true feminism look like? This book really gave the children food for thought, challenging their stereotypical views of women and men, and leaving a lasting impression on our minds and hearts.


The children have also written stirring speeches championing Women's Rights in the 19th century. Should women be allowed to vote? Do they deserve the same freedoms as men? Have a read of our persuasive speeches and let us know what you think.

This term, the children are reading 'The Umbrella Mouse'. This spellbinding tale of courage is about a mouse called Pip Hanway, who gets caught in the conflict of WW2. Residing in an umbrella shop, James Smith &Sons, her world is suddenly shattered when a bomb destroys everything that she holds dear. Now, Pip must venture forth bravely in search of a new home. The story explores the harshness of war through the eyes of a mouse, and the beautiful illustrations truly brings the story to life. In keeping with Sam Usher’s style of illustrations, Heathrow Primary Gladiators designed an umbrella to help the Secret Army fight against the Axis Powers. Have a look at the hidden mechanisms in our umbrellas and let us know what you think!


This half term, Heathrow Primary Gladiators have enjoyed the buzz of their first book, 'The Runaway Robot' by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The story is about a boy called Alfie who goes to the Airport Lost Property, where he finds a 100 year old robot, Eric. Eric has lost his leg and Alfie has lost his artificial hand. They form a strong friendship and help to put each other back together. Along the way, they meet lots of robots and other children trying to adapt to losing a limb.


This story is full of heart, humour, acceptance, difference and bravery. The Gladiators have also thoroughly enjoyed learning about the evolution of robots over the decade, and we look forward to exploring other heavy weight titles in the Summer term. Stay tuned for more!


We have been researching Robots through the decades!
